It's bright and sunny with the weather behaving today. There is a Texas Rangers Baseball game this afternoon and all is right with the world! If I can get Barry up soon, we're headed to the game. We got a package of tickets from Larry & Tina for Hanukkah this year so we can go to the game for the price of parking and maybe an ice cream! My Rangers are in first place.
I got lots of stamping done yesterday. I uploaded 13 cards to my darling little ebay shop. Check them all out! I don't know which one I like the best! Today I put them out for bids. Lately I've just been doing a BT (buy it now) price, but I really think my cards are worth more money. I'm not trying to make a million, but I put so much time and lots of embellisments on each card, that I think folks will still get a bargin for a hand made card!
Ok, I thought about it, and this is the one I made last night and it's got to be my favorite of this batch. Well, maybe. I really like every card I make. I used some Making Memories paper and a Verve little verse, along with some beautiful Prima Flowers that I got at M's with a 40% coupon. They are the prettiest soft colors. Martha's butterflies are a permanent fixture in lots of my Spring cards!
Have a wonderful Blessed Sunday!