Those were the very words Barry spoke yesterday! That was after we had a nice big water leak all over the laundry room, kitchen, and dinning room. It seems like the pipe was backing up all the water into the house! Well $250 later, it was fixed! You'd think that would be enough trouble for one day, but NO, Barry had to speak out! I told NO don't say that, but sure enough he did and then last night the other shoe dropped! Instead of hitting a car that was coming at me, I hit the curb and hit my tire! Now I need to replace the tire and the wheel! My car will be sitting in the drive way for while until we can afford the next hundred dollars for that repair! Barry only works up the street, so I can drive him if I want a car. I do have to say Barry asked me if I was ok and I did let him know I was mentally burned out. NOT that he could or would even know what to do about that, but at least he listen.
He's off for the next two days, but tomorrow is the Lion's Mid-Winter Convention so that will keep him from under my feet for the day. I need to finish up a few cards I'm working on. I think Valentine's Day cards are going to be selling well this year. Folks only need one or two of those unlike needing so many Christmas cards. At least that's my hope.
I know I keep making the Frog card over and over again with a few twists, so this is the next one in that series of cards!
I've tried to make each a little special and the same can be said for this one. Bella Rose paper was used again and my Hero Arts stamps got a work out again. My bow was giving me a hard time about sticking so I added the flower under it and the glue seemed to stick a lot better. Who Knew!!
Have a wonderful day. Keep the Bloom's in your thoughts and hope that keeps us safe from ourselves!
Thank the lord you are alright Paula! When it rains it pours! I am sorry, things have to give for you all! Prayers and hugs, Deb
Posted by: Deborah Golan | January 10, 2009 at 06:57 PM