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« It's Tuesday, so it must be Movie Day! | Main | Creative Slump »

November 13, 2008


Michelle (MilwaukeeMommy on SCS)

Well.....he'll be out of your hair AND you'll get a discount. Bonus?? Yes?? Maybe??

Deborah Golan

Lordy be...Wally's World! Bless his heart! Well it is better than nothing for now, right? I have been out of the creating and blogging loop for a bit, trying to get around some here before Ugly Betty starts! Info on my blog end of Oct. I have missed leaving you comments on your darling cards and goings on in life! It has been a rough go for us both!
Hugs and prayers, Deb


I just wanted to stop in and say hello. I love your cards. You really have a way with patterned paper. I'm happy your hubby got a new job, sounds like things are changing for the better. Good luck and happy holidays.


Great colorful card with sweet images.Good luck for Barry at least he'll be busy with something and then you can get busy carding too,lol

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