Yes, we went to the $ movie again. I can't help it. When it's .50 it's a nice place to spend some time. We saw Wallie. I'm so glad I only spent a small amount on that movie.
Barry has an interview tomorrow with Wal Mart. At least they are hiring. It's a big come down for him, but even he understands he has to do SOMETHING! He also had a call about another job that some headhunter is looking into. I have faith today, but not so much yesterday. It was one of those down days. I think we all have them once in a while and yesterday was it for me. I feel some what better today, so we'll see how the rest of the week goes!
In person this card is so pretty. Even the ribbon is shinning with glittery threads. I found it at M's for 1.99 on sale a few weeks ago and now I'm going to need more! The whole card except for the ribbon is SU.
Well, thanks for dropping me a comment or two and all the emails I got today. I'm not the best person about keeping in touch myself, so I'm so grateful that you made the effort!!
Hang in there Paula, keep the faith. Each day is a new opportunity to think positive. I see you're doing that. Way to go. Praying something works out with the headhunter!!!
Posted by: amy | November 12, 2008 at 04:13 AM
Hi, Paula! Just checking up on you... This is sure pretty! I love that shimmery ribbon--great find! Good luck to Barry. I wish things were better for you.
Posted by: Leslie Miller | November 12, 2008 at 03:37 PM