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« A Darling Pair of Chicks | Main | She's A Dancer Queen! »

September 25, 2008


Mari Pearson

Hang in there Paula. I would miss you if you didn't have your blog. I check in daily to get inspiration. I will ask my mom to say a prayer for Barry. I know this sounds strange but whenever I ask my mom to pray for a certain someone. It always works. She must have a direct line to the man upstairs. Mari

Mari Pearson

Hang in there Paula. I would miss you if you didn't have your blog. I check in daily to get inspiration. I will ask my mom to say a prayer for Barry. I know this sounds strange but whenever I ask my mom to pray for a certain someone. It always works. She must have a direct line to the man upstairs. Mari

Deborah Golan

Oh you silly Willie! Love your scarecrow! Darling as can be! Love how your cut out the gourd, apple basket and pumpkin! Hang in there sweet pea! Hugs, Deb


Cute card!
Love Olive Garden ;).Have fun and Happy Birthday.
Are you ready Rosh Hashana?I have my brisket in salt and garlic,lol

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