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« The Big Day! | Main | Touch of Fall »

August 23, 2008



At the top of each of your posts with Google Reader feed it puts an apostrophe in the word Blooms. You might want to contact them to get that corrected. Yes, I am a teacher, LOL!


Hey, Paula! I wouldn't worry about the apostrophe, my friend! I came to see your wondermous creation! You know from way back, girl, that I've always admired your ability to mix color and pattern in such amazing ways! I can't do it m'self, but, I sure love what *you* do, Paula! This is no exception! Have a splendiferous day! *smooches*

krystie lee

Oh brother, who can worry about apostrophes when there is so much eye candy to enjoy? :)

Beautiful work!

Deborah Golan

Oh no not the apostrophe thing again! For heaven's sake! Are you just so over it Paula? (he he)! Love Mr. Riley as always he makes me smile! I am crossing everything for Barry! Blessings and hugs, Deb

Rose Ann

This is gorgeous, Paula!! I love that sentiment,those pretty papers and all of those beautiful flowers!!

Carole (TruCarMa)

Gorgeous card, Paula, and I LOVE the new blog banner! Of course, what do you expect from a woman who's children are named Truman and Carter?!?!?! :) (crossing my fingers I did the 'who's' vs. 'whose' right and the grammar police don't come after me! heehee)

Sharon (notimetostamp)

Beautiful work, Paula!!! I always love your combination of color and pattern!!! TFS!!!

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