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July 28, 2008



I have been having too many of these days of late! I can't pinpoint it but maybe something is in the air!!!!

Deborah Golan

Oh bless your heart! My oven blew up today! That was fun! Had to order new oven from Sears! Next....
Hugs and blsessings,Deb
Oh,I LOVES the card! Cutest darn flower pot I ever did see! Yummy paper!


Hang in there Paula....Doug is STILL I feel your pain. Here's a big {{{HUG}}} coming your way from me....


Mary Jo Jones

My prayers are with certainly is not easy. You are so talented in what you do that something will come through.Thinking of you and caring too!

Hugs, Mary Jo

Peggy Maier

We all have those times in life, Paula - this too shall pass! I really love the card. If it's any consolation, it's been between 106 & 110 here for the last week. The poor plants are really taking a beating & we can't seem to get water to them fast enough. Hope you have a much better day today!!!

Lynn Mercurio

Oh's a big squeeze for you. It's ok to feel blue just happens. Have yourself a good cry - it actually releases bad hormones from your system. Who knows you may even feel better afterwards. Just know that there are those of us out here, rootin' for you and wishing you happier days!


I don't know what to say; I don't know you, just from reading your blog. Just sending some smiles and cheer from one Paula to another. The card is beautiful.


Hello Paula,
I don't know you personally, but I feel as if I do because I check your blog often. I am sending you well wishes, positive waves, and prayers for blessings upon your family. It's tough now, and I think at times it gets stressful. I hope you keep creating and posting and selling!


very pretty card Paula.I'm sending you hugs too and hoping this too will pass.

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